Sometimes all you have to do to select a date in mobile applications is pick between a month and a year. We'll go over how to create a Month-Year Picker in React Native in this tutorial.
Make sure npm and Node.js are installed on your computer before we start. React-native-cli has to be deployed globally as well.
Creating a New React Native Project
To begin, let's make a brand-new React Native project. Launch a terminal window and type the following command:
- npx react-native init MonthYearPicker
This command will build the "MonthYearPicker" React Native project.
Now, lets create the Month-Year Picker component
The next step will be to develop a brand-new component called 'MonthYearPicker.js'. The logic for showing the month and year picker will be included in this component.
The useState hook is being used in this component to handle the chosen month and year. Additionally, two pickers—one for months and one for years—are being created. We are continually adding options to the pickers.Employing the Month-Year Selector Feature
Let's now utilize the MonthYearPicker part in our primary application. Open 'App.js' and add the following to its content:
Running the app:
With the following command, you can now launch your React Native application:
- npx react-native run-android
# or
npx react-native run-ios
This will start your program on the appropriate device or emulator.
You've created a Month-Year Picker in React Native with success. In a number of situations, this can be a helpful element if you simply need to record a month or a year. This component can be improved even more by merging it into a larger form or by adding validations.