

Be it Android or IOS, mobile technology constantly affects the mass in all levels. Mobile Application Development refers to the process of crafting apps for mobile phones or devices on a particular software platform. The best mobile applications are those that are independent and are not mere warmed-over website pages.


Advantage of xamarin

Xamarin has also so many benefits:

  • 1. Native applications - The preferred solution for any application is native design. This is where Xamarin and its unique approach comes in. Xamarin Studio (IDE) enables code completion in C#. It provides the advantages of native UI, access to specific-device features, and most importantly, native performance. Xamarin helps shorten the development cycle, which makes sharing across platforms a breeze.
  • 2. Shared app logic - Apart from native UI, Xamarin is a must-use cross-platform development tool due to the way app logic is shared across platforms. Application logic underlying the UI layer, like input validation, web service calls, database interactions, and backend enterprise integrations are coded once in C#. Developers can share as much as 75% of the code across the varying operating systems. This saves time when recoding and leaves less room for bugs to creep in.
  • 3. API integration - Xamarin binds the same APIs and UI controls that are used to build iOS, Android and Mac apps in their respective platform specific languages. For Windows development, Xamarin and Microsoft Visual Studio offer Windows Phone and Windows 8 applications. Code can be shared between iOS, Android and Windows using Portable Class Libraries (PCL) and appropriate application architecture. With Xamarin, support is always around the corner. Their unique binding technology enables them to provide support for new features soon after they are introduced in the device’s operating system. Click on the platforms links for their latest support packages for iOS 8 and Android L (with wearable support).
  • 4. Xamarin Component Store - The folks at Xamarin clearly believe in collaboration and sharing. This is a testament to their ongoing efforts on the Xamarin Component Store. Developers can choose from a host of free or paid components, which include UI controls, cross-platform libraries, and third party web services. The Component Store is built right into Xamarin Studio and Xamarin’s Visual Studio extension.
  • 5. Advantages of C# - C# is a type-safety, object-oriented programming language. Therefore, it is more than just a modernized version of C++, which allows even simple data types to be treated as objects. The type-safety of C# helps prevent type errors that could result in flawed program behavior without the need for a boilerplate or verbose type annotations. Its simplified syntax also eliminates the use of pointers and headers, while namespace and reference operators are replaced by the period. Along with Microsoft’s .NET framework, developer needs are met by of making asynchronous programming simple. In short, C# is a great programming language for cross-platform development.
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