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Software Testing | Security Testing What is security testing?

By Himanshu on 1/30/2023

Software Testing | Security Testing

What is security testing?

Security testing is a type of software testing that identifies vulnerabilities in systems and ensures that the system's data and resources are secure from potential intruders. It ensures that the software system and application are free of threats or risks that could result in a loss. Security testing of any system is focused on identifying all potential loopholes and weaknesses in the system that could result in the loss of information or the organization's reputation.

Security Testing Goal: The goal of security testing is to:
•    To identify the system's threats.
•    To assess the system's potential vulnerabilities.
•    To assist in detecting all potential security risks in the system.
•    To assist developers in resolving security issues through coding.

The following are the six fundamental principles of security testing:
•    Confidentiality
•    Integrity
•    Authentication
•    Authorization
•    Availability
•    Non-repudiation

Critical points for attention in security testing:
•    Network Security
•    System Software Security
•    Client-side Application Security
•    Server-side Application Security

Security testing types include:

Vulnerability scanning: With the assistance of automated software, vulnerability scanning is performed out to scan a system and find known vulnerability patterns.

Security Scanning: Identifying network and system vulnerabilities is known as security scanning. Later, it offers suggestions for lowering these flaws or threats. Performing security scans manually or automatically is an option.

Penetration testing: Penetration testing simulates a malicious hacker's attack. It also comprises an analysis of a specific system to look for any weaknesses that could enable a potentially malicious hacker to infiltrate the system.

Risk assessment: During risk assessment testing, security risks identified within the organisation are examined. Risks are broken down into three groups: low, medium, and high. The results of this testing support risk-reduction strategies and policies.

Security auditing: Checking for security flaws in operating systems and applications is a component of security auditing. Another way to carry out an audit is to examine the code line by line.

Ethical Hacking: Hacking that is done ethically is distinct from hacking that is done maliciously. The goal of ethical hacking is to make the organization's system's security issues public.

Assessment of posture: The entire security posture of an organisation is presented by combining security scanning, ethical hacking, and risk assessments.

Software security

Software security is a sort of security that guards against damage to software. Integrity, authentication, and availability must all be provided. Software is typically seen as the primary cause of security issues. With the probable exception of the human element, it is the weakest link in the security chain. So, it's crucial to concentrate on software security.

Why Is Security Testing Necessary?

In order to prevent threats from being encountered while the system is still operational and from being exploited, security testing's main objective is to pinpoint threats within the system and gauge its potential vulnerabilities. It also assists in detecting all potential security risks in the system and assisting developers in resolving issues through coding.

The test strategy should include
•    Security-related scenarios or test cases
•    Data from security testing tests
•    Security testing requires the utilization of test tools.
•    Examination of various test results from various security tool

Examples of Security Testing Scenarios:
An overview of security test cases is provided by sample test scenarios.

•    A password should be maintained in an encrypted format.
•    Invalid users should not be permitted by the application or system.
•    Check the application's cookies and session time.
•    The webpage back click should not work on financial websites.

Roles in Security Testing

Hackers - Accessing a computer system or network without authorization
Crackers - Infiltrate systems to steal or destroy data.
Ethical hacker - Performs most of the breaking activities, but with the owner's permission.
Script kids or packet monkeys - Inexperienced hackers who know how to programme.

Security testing, which determines whether confidential data is kept private, is the most crucial testing for an application. In this kind of testing, the tester takes on the characteristics of an attacker and probes the network for security holes. To protect data in any way possible, security testing is essential in software engineering.

Security Testing
Software Testing
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