There is no Save-as option available for workflows in MS CRM. So if we need to copy a pre-existing workflow, do we have to write the whole workflow again? Well, not really.
Copying a workflow from a pre-existing workflow is a pretty straightforward process.
Follow the steps below to create a duplicate workflow:
1. Open the workflow you want to duplicate.
2. Now you need to deactivate the workflow.
3. Once deactivated, In Activate as option, select Process Template from the drop down list.
4. Save the workflow without making any other changes and Activate the workflow. The workflow will be activated as a process template, and will be found under Process Template view.
5. Create a new process, fill out all the details. Please note that the Entity should be kept same as it was in the original workflow.
6. Now, select the type as New process from an existing template, as shown in the picture. If everything was done correct, you will see the workflow you had activated as process template in the previous steps in the given list.
7. Click/Tap OK to create an exact replica of workflow you had selected from the list.
8. Repeat from Step 5 – 7 to create multiple workflows having the original workflow as the base.
9. Now just revert the original workflow by activating it as a Process.
This can also be done in the previous versions of MS CRM similarly to copy a workflow.