While Installing MS CRM 2016 Online SSRS reporting extension. I got the following error. First I did the obvious, I restarted the system however that did not help. Soon I realized that the issue was not related to reboot rather it was an issue with the installer. I opened the file as instructed in the error below
The error files contained the following log
22:35:38| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging ended 6/22/2016 10:35:38 PM ===
22:41:39| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 6/22/2016 10:41:39 PM ===
22:41:39| Info| Bootstrap version:
22:41:39| Info| User: XXXXX XXXXX.
22:41:46| Error| Reboot required -- Key Found:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce contains Uninstall
A quick search soon lead me the following KB article
I was able to solve the problem by
1) Goto start then run and type Regedit and enter
2) Goto following register entry
3) Delete the key RunOnce
After removing the entry my problem was solved.